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Start and Stop Assessments

After creating an assessment, teachers can choose when to make those assessments available to their students. Log into your teacher account then click to expand the Assign/Assess menu then select the Manage Assign/Assess option. All of your assigned activities and assessments will be listed, so use the  filters at the top of the page to limit your list to specific lessons and classes.

start and stop assessments

To allow students access to an assessment, click the toggle button for that assessment. As pictured above, the button toggle between Stopped and Started. When you start an assessment, you'll see a popup window allowing to make the assessment open or closed book.

confirm assessment

When you toggle an assessment to the stopped position, you'll see the following message:

assessment confirm stop 

A Student's View of Assessments

If an assessment has been started, the student will see a notification in their portal. The notification is a link that lets the student start the assessment.

assessment notification

While a closed book assessment is turned on, students will not be able to access the content of the unit for that assessment.